
Radio, EUV, and X-Ray Observations During a Filament Rise in the 2011 June 7 Solar Flare

Astrophysical journal/˜The œAstrophysical journal(2019)

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The most energetic flares start with a filament rise followed by magnetic reconnection below this filament. The start of the reconnection corresponds to the beginning of the flare impulsive phase. In this paper we study processes before this phase. During the filament rise we recognize an unusual radio continuum with a starting boundary drifting toward lower frequencies. The estimated velocity of the agent generating this continuum boundary is about 400 km s(-1), similar to that of the rising filament. In association with this filament rise, transient X-ray sources and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) brightenings are found near the filament footpoint and outside the locations where later two parallel flare ribbons appear. Moreover, oscillations with a similar to 30 s period are found simultaneously in radio, EUV, and X-ray observations. Around the end of these oscillations the flare impulsive phase starts as seen in observations of the drifting pulsation structure and X-ray source located at the upper part of the rising filament. We interpret the unusual radio continuum and transient X-ray sources, which are located outside the two parallel flare ribbons, as those generated during an interaction of the rising filament with the above-lying magnetic loops. The EUV brightening at the filament footpoint could be a signature of the magnetic reconnection inside the magnetic rope carrying the filament. Possible scenarios of the similar to 30 s period oscillations in radio, X-ray, and EUV are discussed.
Solar flares,Solar oscillations,Solar radio flares,Solar ultraviolet emission,Solar x-ray flares
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