Isotopic Studies for Tracking Biogenic Carbon during Co-processing of Biomass and Vacuum Gas Oil

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(2020)

引用 16|浏览18
Co-processing bio-oils with petroleum derived feeds in the existing multi-trillion dollar refining and distribution infrastructure is an attractive option for introducing renewable energy into the fuels marketplace. Considerable research on co-processing bio-oils and vacuum gas oil (VGO) in fluid catalytic cracking units (FCC) using equilibrium catalysts (E-Cat) demonstrated that biomass derived molecules decreased activity of and increased carbon laydown on E-Cat. In this work, 13C-labeled biomass was co-processed with VGO using either an E-Cat or a proprietary zeolite Johnson Matthey catalyst (CP758), which is optimzed for upgrading biomass vapors in a riser reactor, to evaluate the fate of biogenic carbon in FCC products. The results from both catalysts indicate that biogenic carbon was incorporated into alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons. While no biogenic carbon was found in linear alkanes, it was observed in cycloalkanes during experiments with E-Cat but not with CP758. All produced CO2 was biogenic ...
Co-processing,Bio-oils,Fluid catalytic cracking,Biogenic carbon,C-13 tracking,Mass spectroscopy
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