A New Pulse Compression Technique For Distorted Chirp-Pulse Signal
Pulse compression, which is generally used in radar systems, is conducted using a reference signal without considering distortion which happens in systems before pulse radiation. In this paper, some methods are proposed to achieve better performance in pulse compression when a radar system is distorted. The distortion is assumed to affect three parameters; amplitude, frequency, and phase. To imitate distortion in chirp pulse form, received chirp pulses were generated with non-constant amplitude, different frequency, and different phase from the reference signal. To show the effect of the distortion on pulse compression result, pulse compression of these pulses are shown. The methods to decrease this effect include using reference signals with constant amplitude, same amplitude, and inverse form of the amplitude, respectively. To corroborate performance difference which is yielded by different reference signal forms, simulations of multiple targets is performed. In this paper, only liner FM (LFM) signal is used for simplicity.
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distorted chirp-pulse signal,radar system,pulse radiation,received chirp pulses,pulse compression technique,reference signal,multiple targets,liner FM signal
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