
Fingolimod Rescues Demyelination in a Mouse Model of Krabbe's Disease

˜The œjournal of neuroscience/˜The œJournal of neuroscience(2020)

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Krabbe's disease is an infantile neurodegenerative disease, which is affected by mutations in the lysosomal enzyme galactocerebrosidase, leading to the accumulation of its metabolite psychosine. We have shown previously that the S1P receptor agonist fingolimod (FTY720) attenuates psychosine-induced glial cell death and demyelination bothin vitroandex vivomodels. These data, together with a lack of therapies for Krabbe's disease, prompted the current preclinical study examining the effects of fingolimod in twitcher mice, a murine model of Krabbe's disease. Twitcher mice, both male and female, carrying a natural mutation in the galc gene were given fingolimod via drinking water (1 mg/kg/d). The direct impact of fingolimod administration was assessed via histochemical and biochemical analysis using markers of myelin, astrocytes, microglia, neurons, globoid cells, and immune cells. The effects of fingolimod on twitching behavior and life span were also demonstrated. Our results show that treatment of twitcher mice with fingolimod significantly rescued myelin levels compared with vehicle-treated animals and also regulated astrocyte and microglial reactivity. Furthermore, nonphosphorylated neurofilament levels were decreased, indicating neuroprotective and neurorestorative processes. These protective effects of fingolimod on twitcher mice brain pathology was reflected by an increased life span of fingolimod-treated twitcher mice. Thesein vivofindings corroborate initialin vitrostudies and highlight the potential use of S1P receptors as drug targets for treatment of Krabbe's disease.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTThis study demonstrates that the administration of the therapy known as fingolimod in a mouse model of Krabbe's disease (namely, the twitcher mouse model) significantly rescues myelin levels. Further, the drug fingolimod also regulates the reactivity of glial cells, astrocytes and microglia, in this mouse model. These protective effects of fingolimod result in an increased life span of twitcher mice.
fingolimod,FTY720,globoid cell leukodystrophy,Krabbe's disease,myelination,neurodevelopmental disease
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