
Outcomes using a single tapered dilator for Micra leadless pacemaker implant

Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal(2020)

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Objectives Comparison of outcomes, device deployment time (DT), and total time (TT) using a single tapered Coons dilator versus sequential serial dilation for implantation of the Micra leadless pacemaker. Background Micra leadless pacemaker placement requires a 23 French Micra introducer sheath (MIS) for percutaneous delivery. We sought to evaluate outcomes with use of a single tapered Coons dilator (CD) versus sequential serial dilatation (SD) method to facilitate insertion of the Micra introducer sheath. Methods 35 patients were included in the SD arm and 49 in the CD arm. DT and TT were recorded in minutes and cost in dollars. Analysis was performed using independent t-test between two groups and one-way ANOVA to evaluate inter-operator variability in the CD arm. Results Both DT and TT were significantly lower for the CD arm (15.1 ± 5.1 vs 23.5 ± 9.3, p < 0.0005 and 29.9 ± 14 vs 39.3 ± 13.5 min, p = 0.000374; respectively). The cost was also significantly lower using a CD versus SD. There was no inter-operator variability in the CD arm between 6 operators (p = 0.177 for DT and p = 0.304 for TT). No complications occurred in the SD arm. There were 3 vascular access site complications in the CD arm, all of which occurred early in the operator’s experience. Conclusion Coons dilator is an efficient and cost-effective method for vascular dilatation to facilitate Micra leadless pacemaker insertion. Rate of complications is low and expected to improve with greater experience.
Micra transcatheter pacing system,Leadless pacemaker,Vascular dilatation,Coons tapered dilator,Serial dilators,Outcomes
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