
Epstein-Barr Virus-Infected Plasma Cells in Periodontitis Lesions.

Microbial Pathogenesis(2020)

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Growing evidence supports that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a putative periodontal pathogen, but little is known regarding EBV behavior in periodontitis. Here, EBV infection was monitored in saliva and periodontal pocket (PP), at baseline and 3 months after periodontal non-surgical therapy (p-NST) in 20 patients diagnosed with periodontitis. After the treatment, the patients with the improved periodontal condition (good responders) showed a significant decrease in salivary EBV load. In contrast, in poor responders, EBV load was slightly in- creased. Moreover, after the therapy, most patients showed clear signs of EBV infection in a deep PP (>= 5 mm) selected as a study site. To investigate how EBV can persist in a PP, we further investigate cellular sites of viral replication in PP. We identified large amounts of infiltrated EBV-infected cells, mostly overlapping with CD138(+) plasma cells (PC). EBV-infected PCs formed high-density clusters within the infiltrate and along the periodontal epithelium which were commonly associated with CD3(+) T-cells and CD20(+) B-cells to evoke diffuse ectopic lymphoid-like structures. Taking together, this study provides new insights to support a model where the periodontal condition may play a major role in oral EBV shedding. Since PC harbors the late productive phases of EBV replication, the periodontal condition may favor B-cell differentiation with possible amplification of periodontal EBV infection and viral spreading. PCs have long been recognized as pathogenic markers in inflammatory lesions. Our finding sheds new light on the role of EBV infection and PC in periodontitis.
Periodontitis pathogenesis,Epstein Barr virus,Plasma cells,Oral viral shedding
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