
Dillapiole in Piper Holtonii As an Inhibitor of the Symbiotic Fungus Leucoagaricus Gongylophorus of Leaf-Cutting Ants

Salazar Lina Cristina,Ortiz-Reyes Adriana, Rosero Diana Marcela,Lobo-Echeverri Tatiana

Journal of chemical ecology(2020)

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Plants of the Piperaceae family are studied for their diverse secondary metabolism with a vast array of compounds that act as chemical defense agents against herbivores. Of all the agricultural pests, the management of insects is a highly significant challenge in the Neotropics, and ants of the Attini tribe pose a major problem. Due to their symbiotic association with the fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Möller) Singer (Agaricaceae), the species of Atta and Acromyrmex have exhaustive foraging activity which has intensified as deforestation and monoculture farming have increased. The control of leaf-cutting ants is still carried out with synthetic products with negative consequences to the environment and human health. In search for natural and sustainable alternatives to synthetic pesticides, Piper holtonii C. DC. was selected among other plant species after field observations of the foraging activity of Atta cephalotes, which revealed that P. holtonii was never chosen by ants. In vitro evaluation of an ethanol extract of the leaves of P. holtonii resulted in promising inhibitory activity (IC50 102 ppm) against L. gongylophorus. Subsequently, bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of the phenylpropanoid dillapiole, which was also detected in the essential oil. This compound demonstrated inhibition of the fungus with an IC50 of 38 ppm. Considering the symbiotic relationship between the Attini ants and L. gongylophorus, the negative effect on the survival of one of the organisms will affect the survival of the other, so dillapiole or standardized essential oil extracts of P. holtonii containing this active principle could be a unique and useful source as a control agent for leaf cutting-ants.
Atta cephalotes,Leucoagaricus gongylophorus,Dillapiole,Antifungal,Piper holtonii
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