
Gaps in Caregiving for Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Patients

Journal of clinical oncology(2020)

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82 Background: The rise of young-onset colorectal cancer (YO-CRC) is an alarming public health issue. Interestingly, the proportion of new cases diagnosed in young people (20-49) had increased from 6% in 1990 to 11% in 2013 and coincides with the declining CRC cases in older people. YO-CRC patients face unique clinical challenges as many are diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease and subjected to aggressive treatments. In addition, diagnosis often disrupts early family and career developmental tasks and goals, suggesting the need for additional psychosocial support. Caregivers are an important part of the patient journey. Caregivers serve as liaisons with the medical community and the patient’s social network. The goal of this study is to cast light and explore the experience of caregivers who were caring for YO-CRC patients. Methods: The online survey was completed by 208 caregivers, diverse in age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Participants indicated their relationship as either: spouse/partner, parents, siblings, children, and non-family members. Results: Caregivers self-report they do not understand the important aspects of patients' medical needs despite 79% of caregivers are college graduates and 43% had an advanced degree. Most of the respondents (76%) lack understanding about treatment options and 56% did not feel confident they understood healthcare decisions. Overall, caregivers needed more information and guidance for managing the side-effects of treatment, A majority of caregivers (93%) reported fatigue due to lack of sleep and 63% reporting they missed eight hours or more of work each month. Participants (73%) reported they needed help for panic and anxiety and employed different coping mechanisms to deal with the toll of caregiving. Conclusions: Our survey indicates we must recognize caregivers as the patient's healthcare partners and engage them in the entire plan of care. A growing population of YO-CRC patients means a growing population of caregivers who are navigating work, parenthood, impacts on sexual health, and role changes right along with that patient. Such understanding could help in developing appropriate interventions for caregivers aimed at reducing their burden and stress in caring for patients with YO-CRC.
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