
Study of Spina Bifida Occulta Based on Age, Sex and Localization

Ars medica tomitana(2019)

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Abstract Introduction: Spina bifida is a spine malformation that appears as an incomplete closure of the spine during development. Most frequently it involves lumbosacral vertebrae. There are two types of spina bifida: spina bifida aperta and spina bifida occulta. In most of the cases spina bifida occulta is asymptomatic, and it is identified by accident. Objectives: the aim of this study was to correlate localization of spina bifida occulta with age and sex of the patients. Materials and methods: Between July 2017 and January 2019 there have been 108 patients diagnosed with spina bifida occulta at the Radiology Department of Dora Medicals Tîrgu Mureș. The diagnoses were based on thoracolumbar spine x-ray, pelvic x-ray and chest x-ray studies requested by specialist physicians. Radiologic diagnosis was followed by data processing and statistical analysis. Results: In 81% of the cases the lesion was localized to vertebra S1, and in 15% to vertebra L5; we identified other five cases of rare localizations: C7- T1- T2, T1, T2, S2. This lesion was diagnosed most frequently at ages from 11 to 15 years (44.4%). Spina bifida localized to L5 was more frequent in males (11/16, 68.7%). Cases localized to S1 were more frequent in females (60/88, 68.1%). All spina bifida cases in females localized to vertebra L5 were diagnosed before 20 years of age. Conclusions: Our results partially correspond to those reported in other published studies.
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