Microservice-based architecture for engineering tools enabling a collaborative multi-user configuration of robot-based automation solutions

Procedia CIRP(2019)

引用 18|浏览4
Microservice (MS) architectures, especially in combination with micro front ends, are a modern, scalable and sustainable approach to software development. The modular development of individual components and the possibility of a simple, collaborative and iterative development represent a strategic advantage for companies. In addition, the MS approach allows the consistent use of current technologies, whereby new software functionalities can constantly be included. In this paper, the potentials of MS for engineering tools are shown using the example of a web-based configurator for robot-based automation solutions. On the one hand, the implemented prototype illustrates a possible MS architecture pattern and, on the other hand, clarifies how new functionalities such as the collaborative multi-user configuration or different role-based configuration sessions are enabled by such a concept. Using the example of the web-based configuration platform, it is finally shown how a MS architecture contributes to better development and easier deployment of engineering software solutions based on the divide and conquer principle.
microservice,micro front end,architecture,multi-user,collaborative,configuration,robotic automation system,engineering tool
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