III-Nitride High-Speed Optoelectronics

2019 Device Research Conference (DRC)(2019)

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III-nitride high-speed optoelectronics are emerging for a variety of applications, including visible-light communication (VLC) in light-fidelity (Li-Fi) networks, optical communication using photonic-integrated circuits, and micro-pixel LED displays. III-nitride materials offer efficient light emission and the potential to route, modulate, and detect light on a single chip. Previous research into III-nitride optoelectronics has mainly focused on developing emitters with high efficiencies and large optical output powers, which are needed for conventional lighting and data storage applications. Here, we present the more recent development of III-nitride high-speed emitters, including planar micro-LEDs, nanowire-based micro-LEDs, and superluminescent diodes. We demonstrate record-high modulation bandwidths by growing devices on nonpolar and semipolar orientations of GaN, which are free from the polarization-related effects that limit the modulation bandwidths of c -plane III-nitride. We also combine a rate equation model with an RF measurement technique to extract the carrier dynamics in the devices [1].
nanowire-based micro-pixel LED displays,nonpolar orientations,semipolar orientations,photonic-integrated circuits,c -plane III-nitride,light emission efficiency,III-nitride materials,light-fidelity networks,visible-light communication,III-nitride high-speed optoelectronics,record-high modulation bandwidths,III-nitride high-speed emitters,data storage applications,lighting applications,III-nitride optoelectronics,GaN
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