
Analyses of Genetics and Pathogenesis of Salmonella Enterica QH with Narrow Spectrum of Antibiotic Resistance Isolated from Yak.

Infection, genetics and evolution(2020)

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Salmonella is an important pathogen for public health due to food poisoning and acute infectious intestinal disease by zoonotic trait. We isolated Salmonella enterica QH which represents the normal growth condition in Luria-Bertani culture and displays a wide range of susceptibility for multiple antibiotics. To further investigate genetic and pathogenic traits of S. enterica QH, the sequencing genome of S. enterica QH and oral Salmonella infection in mice were performed in this study. Compared with other Salmonella strains, several large sequences containing prophages and genomic islands were inserted into S. enterica QH genome. Furthermore, nucleotide and synonymous codon usage patterns display mutation pressure and natural selection serving as drivers for the evolutionary trend of S. enterica QH at gene level. The unique codon usage pattern of S. enterica QH probably contributes to adaptation to environmental/host niches and to pathogenicity. In an early oral S. enterica QH infection, the levels of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes significantly reduce in peripheral blood of mice, but the increasing transcription levels of some cytokines (IFN-β1, IFN-γ and CXCL10) might have pleiotypic immune effects against S. enterica QH infection. Of note, IL10 displays significant enhancement at levels of transcription and translation, suggesting that immunosuppressive effects mediated by IL10 may function as an early oral S. enterica QH infection. The systemic investigations, including genomic and genetic characterizations and biological traits of S. enterica QH in vivo and in vitro may reflect the basic lifestyle of S. enterica QH, requiring intestine colonization, undergoing environmental stresses and performing dissemination.
Salmonella enterica QH,Genome,Evolutionary trend,Oral Salmonella infection,Pathogenicity,Cytokine
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