
Ascidian notochord elongation.

Developmental biology(2018)

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The elongation of embryo and tissue is a key morphogenetic event in embryogenesis and organogenesis. Notochord, a typical chordate organ, undergoes elongation to perform its regulatory roles and to form the structural support in the embryo. Notochord elongation is morphologically similar across all chordates, but ascidian has evolved distinct molecular and cellular processes. Here, we summarize the current understanding of ascidian notochord elongation. We divide the process into three phases and discuss the underlying molecular mechanisms in each phase. In the first phase, the notochord converges and extends through invagination and mediolateral intercalation, and partially elongates to form a single diameter cell column along the anterior-posterior axis. In the second phase, a cytokinesis-like actomyosin ring is constructed at the equator of each cell and drives notochord to elongate approximately two-fold. The molecular composition and architecture of the ascidian notochord contractile ring are similar to that of the cytokinetic ring. However, the notochord contractile ring does not impose cell division but only drives cell elongation followed by disassembly. We discuss the self-organizing property of the circumferential actomyosin ring, and why it disassembles when certain notochord length is achieved. The similar ring structures are also present in the elongation process of other organs in evolutionarily divergent animals such as Drosophila and C. elegans. We hereby propose that actomyosin ring-based circumferential contraction is a common mechanism adopted in diverse systems to drive embryo and tissue elongation. In the third phase, the notochord experiences tubulogenesis and the endothelial-like cells crawl bi-directionally on the notochord sheath to further lengthen the notochord. In this review, we also discuss extracellular matrix proteins, notochord sheath, and surrounding tissues that may contribute to notochord integrity and morphogenesis.
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