
Pro-Dopamine Regulator (KB220) A Fifty Year Sojourn to Combat Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Evidence Based Bibliography (Annotated).

CPQ neurology and psychology(2018)

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BACKGROUND:We are facing a significant challenge in combatting the current opioid and drug epidemic worldwide. In the USA, although there has been notable progress, in 2017 alone 72,000 people died from a narcotic overdose. The NIAAA & NIDA continue to struggle with innovation to curb or eliminate this unwanted epidemic. The current FDA list of approved Medication Assistance Treatments (MATS) work by primarily blocking dopamine function and release at the pre-neuron in the nucleus accumbens. We oppose this option in the long term tertiary treatment but agree for short term harm reduction potential. BIBLIOGRAPHY PRESENTATION:As an alternative motif, the utilization of a well-researched neuro-nutrient called KB220 has been intensely investigated in at least 38 studies showing evident effects related to everything from AMA rate, attenuation of craving behavior, reward system activation including BOLD dopamine signaling, relapse prevention, as well as reduction in stress, anger, and aggressive behaviors. We are continuing research especially as it relates to genetic risk, including the now patented Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS®) and the development of "Precision Addiction Management (PAM)" to potentially combat the opioid/psychostimulant epidemic. CONCLUSION:Based on animal research and clinical trials as presented herein, the Pro-Dopamine Regulator known as KB220 shows promise in the addiction and pain space. Other neurobiological and genetic studies are required to help understand the mechanism of action of this neuro-nutrient. However, the evidence to date points to induction of "dopamine homeostasis"enabling an asymptotic approach for epigenetic induced "normalization" of brain neurotransmitter signaling and associated improved function in the face of either genetic or epigenetic impairment of the Brain Reward Cascade (BRC).With that said, we are encouraged about these results as published over the last 50 years and look forward to continued advancements related to appropriate nutrigenomic solutions to the millions of victims of all addictions (from drugs to food to smoking to gambling and gaming especially in our next generation) called Reward Surfeit Syndrome (RSS) in adolescents and Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) in adulthood.
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