
Biomimetic Strategy to Stabilize the Mechanical Properties of Caries-Affected Dentin Matrix: A 12-Month in Vitro Study.


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PURPOSE:To evaluate the effect of dentin biomodification on the long-term strength of sound and caries-affected (CA) dentin as a strategy to stabilize the dentin matrix. The biomodification strategy utilized a naturally occurring proanthocyanidin-rich Vitis vinifera grape seeds (Vv), and compared with glutaraldehyde (GD).METHODS:Dentin from sound and carious human molars were sectioned from mid-coronal dentin. The temperature denaturation (Td) was assessed using differential scanning calorimetry in sealed pans. The inhibitory effect of the agents on the activity of recombinant MMP-2 and -9 were assessed using colorimetric assay. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of demineralized dentin were determined 24 hours after treatment and after 12 months storage in simulated body fluid. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and post-hoc tests ( α= 0.05).RESULTS:There was no statistically significant difference in the Td between sound and CA dentin (P= 0.140); however, Vv and GD significantly increased the Td of both substrates (P< 0.001), indicating formation of collagen cross-linking. The activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were reduced by Vv and GD in a concentration dependent manner. The UTS of dentin matrix was significantly affected by treatments and storage times (P< 0.001). After a 12-month period, a significant decrease in UTS was observed for sound and CA, with complete solubilization of the CA dentin matrix. Vv and GD stabilized the UTS of both dentin substrates (P< 0.05). Sound and CA dentin matrix were susceptible to degradation after the 12-month period. Degradation of dentin matrix due to endogenous proteases activity was more pronounced in CA dentin. Dentin biomodification strategies increased the thermal stability and enhanced the long-term mechanical properties of both sound and CA dentin matrix.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE:Carious dentin matrix is more susceptible to breakdown over time than sound dentin; however, the degradation process can be impaired by dentin biomodification. This biomimetic strategy increases the long-term tensile strength of the dentin matrix. Reinforcement of caries-affected dentin may increase longevity of adhesive interfaces.
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