
Trend of Salt Consumption in Italy From 2008 to 2018: Preliminary Results of the Cuore Project


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Introduction: The WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) recommends a 30% relative reduction in mean population intake of salt/sodium. To this end, the Italian Ministry of Health (MoH) has strengthened prevention and health promotion through the “Gaining health: making healthy choices easy” Programme and the National Preventive Plan (NPP) 2014-2019, with the collaboration of the Interdisciplinary Working group for Salt Reduction in Italy (GIRCSI). Hypothesis: Agreements between the MoH and the associations of artisan bakers and food industry companies were signed since 2009 to reduce the salt content in bread and in other food products. Within the NPP, initiatives as local inter-sectors agreements and information activities for the population and training for food sector operators are implemented. In order to estimate the habitual salt intake and its trend in the general adult population, national surveys, funded by the MoH-CCM, are conducted within the CUORE Project. Methods: Baseline salt intake by the use of 24h urine collections was assessed in 2008-2012 from random samples of persons aged 35-79 years, resident in all Italian 20 Regions. A new survey is ongoing (2018-2019) involving random samples of persons aged 35-74 years, resident in 10 Regions. Urinary sodium excretion is assayed by a central lab at Federico II University of Naples, subjected to strict quality controls. Comparisons are made considering, for both periods, the seven regions examined up to now in the ongoing survey and the age range of 35-74 years. Results: Within the 2018-2019 survey, mean level of sodium chloride per day in 673 men and 709 women was 161 mmol (95% confidence interval: 156-166 mmol) and 122 mmol (119-126 mmol) respectively, whereas in the 2008-2012 survey the corresponding mean levels in 642 men and 627 women was 183 mmol (95% confidence interval: 178-189 mmol) and 140 mmol (135-144 mmol), respectively. A sodium chloride intake level within the WHO recommended upper level of 85 mmol (or 5 grams of salt) per day was detected in 9% (6-11%) of men and 24% (20-27%) of women examined in 2018-2019 vs 5% (3-6%) of men and 16% (13-19%) of women examined in 2008-2012. Conclusions: These preliminary data show that the average habitual sodium intake in Italy is still largely higher than recommended but a significant reduction seems to occur. These results fully justify and encourage the ongoing preventive initiatives for reduction of sodium intake and its monitoring in the population.
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