Genome-wide Nucleotide-Resolution Mapping of DNA Replication Patterns, Single-Strand Breaks, and Lesions by GLOE-Seq.

Annie M Sriramachandran,Giuseppe Petrosino, María Méndez-Lago, Axel J Schäfer, Liliana S Batista-Nascimento,Nicola Zilio,Helle D Ulrich

Molecular Cell(2020)

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DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) are among the most common lesions in the genome, arising spontaneously and as intermediates of many DNA transactions. Nevertheless, in contrast to double-strand breaks (DSBs), their distribution in the genome has hardly been addressed in a meaningful way. We now present a technique based on genome-wide ligation of 3′-OH ends followed by sequencing (GLOE-Seq) and an associated computational pipeline designed for capturing SSBs but versatile enough to be applied to any lesion convertible into a free 3′-OH terminus. We demonstrate its applicability to mapping of Okazaki fragments without prior size selection and provide insight into the relative contributions of DNA ligase 1 and ligase 3 to Okazaki fragment maturation in human cells. In addition, our analysis reveals biases and asymmetries in the distribution of spontaneous SSBs in yeast and human chromatin, distinct from the patterns of DSBs.
DNA replication,DNA repair,DNA damage,DNA single-strand breaks,Okazaki fragments,genome-wide DNA lesion mapping,next-generation sequencing
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