an3-mediated compensation is dependent on a cell-autonomous mechanism in leaf epidermal tissue.


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Leaves are formed by coordinated growth of tissue layers driven by cell proliferation and expansion. Compensation, in which a defect in cell proliferation induces compensated cell enlargement (CCE), plays an important role in cell-size determination during leaf development. We previously reported that CCE triggered by the an3 mutation is observed in epidermal and subepidermal layers in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) leaves. Interestingly, CCE is induced in a non-cell autonomous manner between subepidermal cells. However, whether CCE in the subepidermis affects cell size in the adjacent epidermis is still unclear. We induced layer-specific expression of AN3 in an3 leaves and found that CCE in the subepidermis had little impact on cell-size determination in the epidermis, and vice versa, suggesting that CCE is induced in a tissue-autonomous manner. Examination of the epidermis in an3 leaves having AN3-positive and -negative sectors generated by Cre/IoxP revealed that, in contrast to the subepidermis, CCE occurred exclusively in AN3-negative epidermal cells, indicating a cell autonomous action of an3-mediated compensation in the epidermis. These results clarified that the epidermal and subepidermal tissue layers have different cell autonomies in CCE. In addition, quantification of cell-expansion kinetics in epidermal and subepidermal tissues of the an3 showed that the tissues exhibited a similar temporal profile to reach a peak cell-expansion rate as compared to wild type. This might be one feature representing that the two tissue layers retain their growth coordination even in the presence of CCE.
angustifolia3 mutant,Arabidopsis thaliana,Cell area,Compensation,Intercellular communication,Leaf development
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