Auditory Display in Interactive Science Simulations: Description and Sonifcation Support Interaction and Enhance Opportunities for Learning

CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Honolulu HI USA April, 2020(2020)

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Science simulations are widely used in classrooms to support inquiry-based learning of complex science concepts. These tools typically rely on interactive visual displays to convey relationships. Auditory displays, including verbal description and sonifcation (non-speech audio), combined with alternative input capabilities, may provide an enhanced experience for learners, particularly learners with visual impairment. We completed semi-structured interviews and usability testing with eight adult learners with visual impairment for two audio-enhanced simulations. We analyzed trends and edge cases in participants' interaction patterns, interpretations, and preferences. Findings include common interaction patterns across simulation use, increased effciency with second use, and the complementary role that description and sonifcation play in supporting learning opportunities. We discuss how these control and display layers work to encourage exploration and engagement with science simulations. We conclude with general and specifc design takeaways to support the implementation of auditory displays for accessible simulations.
Multimodal, interactive simulation, learning, visual impairment
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