RunAhead: Providing Head Scanning based Navigation feedback

CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Honolulu HI USA April, 2020(2020)

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Navigation systems for runners commonly provide turn-by-turn directions via voice and/or map-based visualizations. While voice directions require permanent attention, map-based guidance requires regular consultation. Both disrupt the running activity. To provide more natural and less intrusive navigation support, we designed RunAhead, a navigation system providing head scanning based navigation feedback. According to the runner's head scanning movement and his actual head direction, we provide the runner with simple and intuitive feedback on the path s/he is looking at, highlighting the one to follow. Initially, we proposed three different feedback modes: haptic, music and audio cues. In a user experiment, RunAhead proved as effective as voice-based guidance but with a better user experience for the haptic and music feedback modes [4]. In our demonstration we will thus propose to experience these preferred feedback modes on a sample intersection.
Navigation for Running, Head Scanning, Audio Feedback, Haptic Feedback
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