Topological Delocalization In The Completely Disordered Two-Dimensional Quantum Walk


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We investigate numerically and theoretically the effect of spatial disorder on two-dimensional split-step discrete-time quantum walks with two internal "coin" states. Spatial disorder can lead to Anderson localization, inhibiting the spread of quantum walks, putting them at a disadvantage against their diffusively spreading classical counterparts. We find that spatial disorder of the most general type, i.e., position-dependent Haar random coin operators, does not lead to Anderson localization but to a diffusive spread instead. This is a delocalization, which happens because disorder places the quantum walk to a critical point between different anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulating topological phases. We base this explanation on the relationship of this general quantum walk to a simpler case more studied in the literature and for which disorder-induced delocalization of a topological origin has been observed. We review topological delocalization for the simpler quantum walk, using time evolution of the wave functions and level spacing statistics. We apply scattering theory to two-dimensional quantum walks and thus calculate the topological invariants of disordered quantum walks, substantiating the topological interpretation of the delocalization and finding signatures of the delocalization in the finite-size scaling of transmission. We show criticality of the Haar random quantum walk by calculating the critical exponent eta in three different ways and find eta approximate to 0.52 as in the integer quantum Hall effect. Our results showcase how theoretical ideas and numerical tools from solid-state physics can help us understand spatially random quantum walks.
topological delocalization,quantum,two-dimensional
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