Compositional Few-Shot Recognition with Primitive Discovery and Enhancing


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Few-shot learning (FSL) aims at recognizing novel classes given only few training samples, which still remains a great challenge for deep learning. However, humans can easily recognize novel classes with only few samples. A key component of such ability is the compositional recognition that human can perform, which has been well studied in cognitive science but is not well explored in FSL. Inspired by such capability of humans, we first provide a compositional view of the widely adopted FSL baseline model. Based on this view, to imitate humans' ability of learning visual primitives and composing primitives to recognize novel classes, we propose an approach to FSL to learn a feature representation composed of important primitives, which is jointly trained with two parts, i.e. primitive discovery and primitive enhancing. In primitive discovery, we focus on learning primitives related to object parts by self-supervision from the order of split input, avoiding extra laborious annotations and alleviating the effect of semantic gaps. In primitive enhancing, inspired by both mathematical deduction and biological studies (the Hebbian Learning rule and the Winner-Take-All mechanism), we propose a soft composition mechanism by enlarging the activation of important primitives while reducing that of others, so as to enhance the influence of important primitives and better utilize these primitives to compose novel classes. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks are conducted on both the few-shot image classification and video recognition tasks. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on all these datasets and shows better interpretability.
Few-shot learning, Compositional learning, Few-shot image recognition, Few-shot video recognition, Interpretability
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