Consumer perception and behaviour related to low-alcohol wine: do people overcompensate?


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Objective: Compared with standard wines, low-alcohol wines may have several social and health benefits. Innovative production processes have led to high-quality light wines. It is, however, unclear how consumers perceive and consume these alcohol-reduced wines. The current study aimed to investigate how people evaluate low-alcohol wine (Sauvignon Blanc) and if the reduction in alcohol and the information that a wine is low in alcohol influences consumption. Design: Randomised controlled trial (RCT). Setting: Participants were invited to a wine tasting and randomised into one of the three conditions: they either tasted a 'new white wine' (12 center dot 5 % alcohol content), a 'new low-alcohol white wine' (8 center dot 0 % alcohol content) or they tasted the low-alcohol wine but were not aware that the wine was reduced in alcohol (low-alcohol, blinded). Participants: Ninety participants (42 % male, mean age = 41 (sd14) years). Results: Mean comparisons showed similar ratings for the low-alcohol conditions and the standard alcohol condition (mean > 5 center dot 6/7). The mean consumed amount across all conditions did not differ (162 (sd71) ml, (F-2,F-86= 0 center dot 43,P> 0 center dot 05)), hence people who tasted the low-alcohol wine consumed approximately 30 % less alcohol. However, participants were willing to pay more for the normal wine compared with the low-alcohol wine, (F-2,F-87= 3 center dot 14,P< 0 center dot 05). Conclusions: Participants did not alter their drinking behaviour in response to the reduced alcohol content, and the low-alcohol wine was perceived positively. There might be an emerging market potential for wine of reduced alcohol content, but consumers may not be willing to pay the same price as for the standard wine.
Wine consumption behaviour,Perception,Experimental research,Consumer preference,Functional foods,Reduced alcohol
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