Laplacian-optimized diffusion for semi-supervised learning

Computer Aided Geometric Design(2020)

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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is fundamentally a geometric task: in order to classify high-dimensional point sets when only a small fraction of data points are labeled, the geometry of the unlabeled data points is exploited to gain better classifying accuracy. A number of state-of-the-art SSL techniques rely on label propagation through graph-based diffusion, with edge weights that are evaluated either analytically from the data or through compute-intensive training based on nonlinear and nonconvex optimization. In this paper, we bring discrete differential geometry to bear on this problem by introducing a graph-based SSL approach where label diffusion uses a Laplacian operator learned from the geometry of the input data. From a data-dependent graph of the input, we formulate a biconvex loss function in terms of graph edge weights and inferred labels. Its minimization is achieved through alternating rounds of optimization of the Laplacian and diffusion-based inference of labels. The resulting optimized Laplacian diffusion directionally adapts to the intrinsic geometric structure of the data which often concentrates in clusters or around low-dimensional manifolds within the high-dimensional representation space. We show on a range of classical datasets that our variational classification is more accurate than current graph-based SSL techniques. The algorithmic simplicity and efficiency of our discrete differential geometric approach (limited to basic linear algebra operations) also make it attractive, despite the seemingly complex task of optimizing all the edge weights of a graph.
Semi-supervised learning,Graph Laplacian,Biconvex optimization,High-dimensional geometry
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