Exploring technology for neonatal resuscitation training

AH '20: 11th Augmented Human International Conference Winnipeg Manitoba Canada May, 2020(2020)

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The healthcare industry is regularly seeking for innovative ways to leverage technology in order to create or improve the experiences of their professionals and their patients. With advancements in Head-worn display (HWD) technology such as the Microsoft Hololens, we must look into the feasibility of leveraging the technology to aid us in the ongoing challenge of creating these meaningful and educational experiences. In this research, by targeting the bag and mask step in the Neonatal Resuscitation training, we evaluate the efficiency and performance of using data from sensor devices and immersive technology to help provide users with useful feedback. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the potential of these technologies as well as the most effective method of delivering the feedback. We have found that between four different stimuli, a visual stimulus resulted in the best performance in the timing of the bag compressions in both our studies with non-healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals. Based on the results of the study, we also express the importance of having a proper seal between the mask and the baby in order to achieve the appropriate pressure during manual ventilation.
healthcare, augmented reality, gamification
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