The Exploration Of How Social Media Cultivate College Student Smokers: Theorizing Valence Of Communication, Impression Management, And Perceived Risks And Benefits Of Smoking In The O-1-S-R-1-O-2-R(2)Model


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The purpose of this study is to build a theoretical framework to account for how social media lead college students to smoke. Arguing critical concepts, such as valence of communication, impression management, perceived risks and benefits, this study develops the O 1 -S-R 1 -O 2 -R 2 model. For this, we test a separated model for smokers and nonsmokers. For smokers, the effect of exposure to pro-smoking content on smoking behavior is mediated by an impression of smokers, a favorable expression about smoking, and perceived benefits. And, the effect of exposure to anti-smoking content on smoking behavior is mediated by an unfavorable expression about smoking and perceived risks. However, such mediation processes cannot be observed for nonsmokers; namely, the effect of exposure to pro-smoking content on smoking intention is only mediated by a favorable expression about smoking. Considering the separated path models for smokers and nonsmokers, theoretical and practical implications are suggested for future study. Methodological limitations are discussed as well.
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