Framework for Digital Divide Research

Dipankar Sinha, R Abrahamsen, Bruce Ackerman,Stuart Allan, Jonathan Auerbach,Russ Castronovo,H Bang, A Esmark, Steven Barnett, Ivor Gaber,Zygmunt Bauman,Daniel A Bell, James R Beniger, Lance Bennett, David M Berry,Mark Bevir, RAW Rhodes, Augusto Boal, César Bolaño, John Penney, Terry Bouton, Martin Buber, Brian Caplan, Elias G Carayannis, David FJ Campbell, Manuel Castells,Paul Barry Clarke,Joe Foweraker, Stephen Coleman, Karen Ross, John Xiros Cooper,Nick Couldry, Terrance Craig, Mary E Ludloff,Colin Crouch, Stephen Cushion, Robert Dahl, Jonathan S Davies, Ronald E Day, Jody Dean,Ronald J Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski,Jonathan Zittrain,Ronald J Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski, Jonathan Zittrain, Jolle Demmers,Alex E Fernández Jilberto,Barbara Hogenboom, John Dewey, Melvin L Rogers,Alistair S Duff,Thomas R Dye, Hans Magnus Enzensberger,James Fishkin, Sandey Fitzgerald,Luciano Floridi,Michel Foucault, Robert Hurley, Thomas Frank,Francis Fukuyama, James Fulcher, MK Gandhi,Herbert J Gans, William Gibson, Erving Goffman, Jack L Goldsmith,Tim Wu, Doris Graber, Christoffer Green-Pedersenand, Stefaan Walgrave, Lawrence Grossberg, Ellen Wartella, D Charles Whitney, J Mcgregor Wise, Barry Gunter, Ferit Güven, Jurgen Habermas,Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri,Machael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Jackie Harrison, Lawrence E Harrison, Vincent F Hendricks, Pelle G Hansen, Edward Herman, Noam Chomsky, Stephen Hess, Marvin Kalb, John R Hibbing, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, Stig Hjarvard, Christopher Hobson, Milja Kurkieds, W Hofkirchner, Robert Hoppe, Nicholas Jones, Shanthi Kalathil, Taylor C Boas, Daniel Kaufmann, Anandam P Kavoori, Todd Fraley, Ralph Keyes, Naomi Klein, Martjin Konings, John Langer, Scott Lash, Harold D Lasswell, RK Laxman, Josh Lerner, Geert Lovink, Walter Lippmann, Deborah Lupton, David Lyon, Fritz Machlup, Robert Mankoff,John Mathiason,Victor Mayer-Schonberger, David Lazer, Robert McChesney, John Nichols, Jim McGuigan, Marshall McLuhan, Brian McNair, Thomas Meyer, Louis P Hinchman, John Stuart Mill, Torin Monahan, Evegeny Morozov, Ivo Mosley, G Mulgan, Brigitte L Nacos, John Naisbitt, Robert Nozick, Nye, Jr, S Joseph, Mark Poster, Neil Postman

The Information Game in Democracy(2018)

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This concluding chapter provides an aggregate perspective on the elemental importance of the information game in terms of the strategic differentiation between ‘democracy-as-promised’ and ‘democracy-as-practised’. It takes a hard look at both the rulers who suffer from the hidden fear of the radical potential of democracy and strategise dilution of the same. It also draws attention to the limitations of ‘people power’, as manifested in popular protests, to be an effective counterpoint. It signs off with the observation that the information game ensures the ongoing journey of democracy with no guarantee of arrival.
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