
Effects of Gut Microbiome and Environment on the Development of Eczema in Chinese Infants


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BACKGROUND:Eczema is a relapsing and persistent inflammatory skin disease affecting about one-fifth of children worldwide. As in other developed countries, the prevalence of this chronic disease in Hong Kong is approximately 30%. Moreover, the number of local cases reported has been on a rising trend since 1995. Eczema frequently starts in early infancy. A total of 45% of all cases begin within the first six months of life, 60% during the first year and 85% before the age of 5. The pathophysiology of eczema is multi-factorial and is a complex inter-relationship between skin barrier, genetic predisposition, immunologic development, microbiome, environment, nutrition, and pharmacological and psychological factors.OBJECTIVE:To characterize the longitudinal changes of gut microbial profile in early childhood and to examine the association between gut microbiome diversity, environmental factors and the development of eczema in early childhood.METHOD:We will conduct a longitudinal cohort study that follows 1250 Hong Kong Chinese infants for 2 years and assess the gut microbiome and other potential environmental factors in the aetiology of eczema. Parents will be asked to provide demographic data, their infant birth data, allergy condition, diet, environmental conditions as well as the data on maternal stress. Stool specimen will be collected for gut microbiome diversity analysis. We will examine newborn infants at enrollment, at 4 months, 1 year and 2 years after birth.EXPECTED RESULTS:This study will evaluate the association between gut microbiome, environmental factors and the development of eczema in Chinese infants. Findings from this study may be used to develop a predictive path model to guide effective health promotion, disease prevention and management.
eczema,environmental factors,maternal stress,microbiome
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