
Genomic Characterization of a Newly Established Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line from China and Published Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines

Cancer cell international(2020)

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Background Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is one of the most prevalent malignancies and a major cause of cancer related death worldwide, especially in China. Cell lines are widely used disease models for basic medical research, however, well characterized ESCC cell models from China were seldom reported. Misidentifying and cross-contaminations of cell lines also hamper the way of producing solid and reproductive data. Methods CSEC216 was originated from a 45-year-old male ESCC patient from Chaoshan littoral, China. Specimens were minced into fragments and seeded in T-25 flask for primary culture. Immunoflourescence staining was performed for identifying the origination and proliferation activity. In vitro migration and invasion abilities was tested by transwell assay. DNA Short Tandem Repeats profiling was implemented for cell authorization. Karyotype was investigated by spectrum karyotyping. Whole genome sequencing was utilized to investigate genomic alterations. Background information and genomic mutation data of published ESCC cell lines were obtained from online databases. Results CSEC216 was an uncontaminated cell line, exhibited epithelial cell features with polygonal morphology and adherent growth as monolayer. Immuno staining demonstrated its epithelial origination and high proliferation rate. The Population Doubling time was 29.7 h. The karyotype demonstrated tumor cell patterns with aneuploidy and complex chromosomal aberrations. Mutation signatures, genes with SNA or CNA of CSEC216 and published ESCC cell lines were similar with the mutation spectrum of original ESCC tumors. Conclusions ESCC cell line CSEC216 from high incidence region in China was established with no cross-contamination. Biological features were studied. Genomic mutation features of CSEC216 and 28 ESCC cell lines were characterized which provided thorough cytogenetic background that facilitated future usage.
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,Cell line establishment,Karyotype,Mutation signature,Whole genome sequencing
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