
CoMIR: Contrastive Multimodal Image Representation for Registration

NIPS'20 Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems(2020)

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We propose contrastive coding to learn shared, dense image representations,referred to as CoMIRs (Contrastive Multimodal Image Representations). CoMIRsenable the registration of multimodal images where existing registrationmethods often fail due to a lack of sufficiently similar image structures.CoMIRs reduce the multimodal registration problem to a monomodal one, in whichgeneral intensity-based, as well as feature-based, registration algorithms canbe applied. The method involves training one neural network per modality onaligned images, using a contrastive loss based on noise-contrastive estimation(InfoNCE). Unlike other contrastive coding methods, used for, e.g.,classification, our approach generates image-like representations that containthe information shared between modalities. We introduce a novel,hyperparameter-free modification to InfoNCE, to enforce rotational equivarianceof the learnt representations, a property essential to the registration task.We assess the extent of achieved rotational equivariance and the stability ofthe representations with respect to weight initialization, training set, andhyperparameter settings, on a remote sensing dataset of RGB and near-infraredimages. We evaluate the learnt representations through registration of abiomedical dataset of bright-field and second-harmonic generation microscopyimages; two modalities with very little apparent correlation. The proposedapproach based on CoMIRs significantly outperforms registration ofrepresentations created by GAN-based image-to-image translation, as well as astate-of-the-art, application-specific method which takes additional knowledgeabout the data into account. Code is available at:
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