Effect of cataract-associated mutations in the N-terminal domain of αB-crystallin (HspB5).

Experimental Eye Research(2020)

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Physico-chemical properties of three cataract-associated missense mutants of αB-crystallin (HspB5) (R11H, P20S, R56W) were analyzed. The oligomers formed by the R11H mutant were smaller, whereas the oligomers of the P20S and R56W mutants were larger than those of the wild-type protein. The P20S mutant possessed lower thermal stability than the wild-type HspB5 or two other HspB5 mutants. All HspB5 mutants were able to form heterooligomeric complexes with αA-crystallin (HspB4), a genuine component of eye lens. However, the P20S and R56W mutants were less effective in the formation of these complexes and properties of heterooligomeric complexes formed by these mutants and HspB4 and analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography were different from those formed by the wild-type HspB5 and HspB4. All HspB5 variants also heterooligomerized with another partner protein, HspB6. Specifically for the P20S mutant forming two distinct sizes of homooligomers, only the smaller homooligomer population was able to interact with HspB6. P20S and R56W mutants possessed lower chaperone-like activity than the wild-type HspB5 when UV-irradiated βL-crystallin was used as a model substrate. Importantly, all three mutations are localized in three earlier postulated short α-helical regions present in the N-terminal domain of αB-crystallin. These observations suggest an important structural and functional role of these regions. Correspondingly, therein localized mutations ultimately result in clinically relevant cataracts.
αA-crystallin (HspB4),αB-crystallin (HspB5),Hsp20 (HspB6),Heterooligomerization,Chaperone-like activity
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