
Systematic Patient Navigation Strategies to Scale Breast Cancer Disparity Reduction by Improved Cancer Prevention and Care Delivery Processes.

JCO oncology practice(2020)

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PURPOSE:Patient navigation uses trained personnel to eliminate barriers to timely care across all phases of the health care continuum, thereby reducing health disparities. However, patient navigation has yet to be systematized in implementation models to improve processes of care at scale rather than remain a band-aid approach focused solely on improving care for the individual patient. The 4R systems engineering approach (right information and right treatment to the right patient at the right time) uses project management discipline principles to develop care sequence templates that serve as patient-centered project plans guiding patients and their care team.METHODS:A case-study approach focused on the underserved patient shows how facilitators to timely breast cancer screening and care pragmatically identified as emergent data by patient navigators can be actionized by iteratively revising 4R care sequence templates to incorporate new insights as they emerge.RESULTS:Using a case study of breast cancer screening of a low-income patient, we illustrate how 4R care sequence templates can be revised to incorporate emergent facilitators to care identified through patient navigation.CONCLUSION:Use of care sequence templates can inform the care team to optimize a particular patient's care, while functioning as a learning health care system for process improvement of patient care and patient navigation scaling. A learning health care system approach that systematically integrates data patterns emerging from multiple patient navigation experiences through in-person navigators and 4R care sequence templates may improve processes of care and allow patient navigation scaling to reduce cancer disparities.
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