Evidence For Current-Induced Phase Coexistence In Ca2ruo4 And Its Influence On Magnetic Order

K. Jenni, F. Wirth,K. Dietrich, L. Berger,Y. Sidis, S. Kunkemoeller, C. P. Grams, D. Khomskii,J. Hemberger,M. Braden

Physical Review Materials(2020)

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Combining quasistatic and time-resolved transport measurements with x-ray and neutron diffraction experiments we study the nonequilibrium states that arise in pure and in Ti-substituted Ca2RuO4 under the application of current densities. Time-resolved studies of the current-induced switching find a slow conductance relaxation that can be identified with heating and a fast one that unambiguously proves an intrinsic mechanism. The current-induced phase transition leads to complex diffraction patterns. Separated Bragg reflections that can be associated with the metallic and insulating phases by their lattice parameters, indicate a real structure with phase coexistence that strongly varies with temperature and current strength. A third contribution with a c lattice constant in between those of metallic and insulating phases appears upon cooling. At low current densities, this additional phase appears below similar to 100 K and is accompanied by a suppression of the antiferromagnetic order that otherwise can coexist with current carrying states. A possible origin of the intermediate phase is discussed.
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