Empirically Revisiting and Enhancing IR-based Test-Case Prioritization

Qianyang Peng,August Shi,Lingming Zhang

ISSTA '20: 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis Virtual Event USA July, 2020(2020)

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Test-case prioritization (TCP) aims to detect regression bugs faster via reordering the tests run. While TCP has been studied for over 20 years, it was almost always evaluated using seeded faults/mutants as opposed to using real test failures. In this work, we study the recent change-aware information retrieval (IR) technique for TCP. Prior work has shown it performing better than traditional coverage-based TCP techniques, but it was only evaluated on a small-scale dataset with a cost-unaware metric based on seeded faults/mutants. We extend the prior work by conducting a much larger and more realistic evaluation as well as proposing enhancements that substantially improve the performance. In particular, we evaluate the original technique on a large-scale, real-world software-evolution dataset with real failures using both cost-aware and cost-unaware metrics under various configurations. Also, we design and evaluate hybrid techniques combining the IR features, historical test execution time, and test failure frequencies. Our results show that the change-aware IR technique outperforms stateof-the-art coverage-based techniques in this real-world setting, and our hybrid techniques improve even further upon the original IR technique. Moreover, we show that flaky tests have a substantial impact on evaluating the change-aware TCP techniques based on real test failures.
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