Gathering evidence on the decreased emergency room visits during theCovid 19 pandemic

Public Health(2020)

引用 21|浏览16
Αbstract During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic there is emerging evidence, from several European countries, suggesting drastic decline in emergency room (ER) visits. Two diametrically opposite hypotheses can be formulated: a) The altered lifestyle due to the lock-down measures as well as vast application of telemedicine has a beneficial effect on the health status of the majority of the adult population, reducing thus demand for emergency health services. b) Despite increased health needs, people choose to avoid interactions with the health system and the ER out of fear of getting infected with COVID-19 resulting in a health services underusage. ER and HS indicators can be useful in monitoring and interpreting the underlying causes of reduced hospital ER services demand. Investigating the causes of the decline in ER visits is of outmost public health relevance as it might shed light in the indirect health effects of COVID-19 pandemic.
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