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Health : impact on the prevalence of obesity and body satisfaction of adolescents saúde on-line : impacto na prevalência de obesidade


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Objective: to evaluate the effect of a health education action, conducted by Facebook, on the prevalence of overweight/obesity and adolescent body satisfaction, as well as the relationship between these measures and differences among adolescents. Method: quantitative study, uncontrolled trial, in which 69 adolescents of both sexes, from 13 to 19 years old, were evaluated in four months regarding nutritional status and body perception, before and after health education intervention on nutrition. Results: 20.8% were overweight, 20.3% perceived as overweight and 36.2% presented body dissatisfaction. There was a higher prevalence of body dissatisfaction among overweight / obese female adolescents. Conclusion: there was no statistically significant impact of the health education strategy, implemented in the prevalence of overweight/obesity and satisfaction with body image. The factors associated with the low impact of the intervention and the importance of studies of this nature were discussed, since obesity is multidetermined, which implies that the approaches used for the prevention and control of this condition should be evaluated for their successes and failures to be improved in future studies. Descriptors: Adolescent; Anthropometry; Body Image; Social Networking; Health Education; Obesity. RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o efeito de ação de educação em saúde, conduzida pelo Facebook, na prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade e na satisfação corporal de adolescentes, bem como a relação de concordância entre estas medidas e as diferenças em adolescentes. Método: estudo quantitativo, ensaio não controlado, em que 69 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, dos 13 aos 19 anos, foram avaliados em 4 meses quanto ao estado nutricional e percepção corporal, antes e depois de intervenção de educação em saúde sobre nutrição. Resultados: 20,8% estavam com excesso de peso, 20,3% se percebiam com excesso de peso e 36,2% apresentavam insatisfação corporal. Houve maior prevalência de insatisfação corporal entre adolescentes do sexo feminino com sobrepeso/obesidade. Conclusão: não se evidenciou impacto estatisticamente significativo da estratégia de educação em saúde executada na prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade e na satisfação com a imagem corporal. Discutem-se os fatores associados com o baixo impacto da intervenção e a importância de estudos dessa natureza, visto que a obesidade é multideterminada, o que implica a necessidade de que abordagens utilizadas para a prevenção e o controle desse agravo sejam avaliadas quanto a seus sucessos e insucessos para que sejam aprimoradas em estudos futuros. Descritores: Adolescente; Antropometria; Imagem corporal; Rede social; Educação em saúde; Obesidade. RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de acción de educación en salud conducida por el Facebook en la prevalencia de sobrepeso / obesidad y en la satisfacción corporal de adolescentes, así como la relación de concordancia entre estas medidas y las diferencias en adolescentes. Método: el estudio cuantitativo, ensayo no controlado, en el que 69 adolescentes de ambos sexos, de 13 a 19 años, fueron evaluados en 4 meses en cuanto al estado nutricional y percepción corporal, antes y después de intervención de educación en salud sobre nutrición. Resultados: 20,8% estaban con exceso de peso, el 20,3% se percibía con exceso de peso y el 36,2% presentaba insatisfacción corporal. Hubo mayor prevalencia de insatisfacción corporal entre adolescentes con sobrepeso / obesidad. Conclusión: no se evidenció impacto estadísticamente significativo de la estrategia de educación en salud ejecutada en la prevalencia de sobrepeso / obesidad y en la satisfacción con la imagen corporal. Se discuten los factores asociados con el bajo impacto de la intervención y la importancia de estudios de esa naturaleza, ya que la obesidad es multideterminada, lo que implica la necesidad de que enfoques utilizados para la prevención y control de ese agravamiento sean evaluados en cuanto a sus éxitos y fracasos para que se perfeccionen en estudios futuros. Descriptores: Adolescente; Antropometría; Imagem Corporal; Red Social; Educación em Salud; Obesidad. 1Specialist in Adolescent Health (egress), Federal University of São João del Rei / REMSA / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. E E-mail: ORCID iD:; 2Nursing student, Federal University of São João del Rei / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD:; 3PhD, Post-Graduation Program in Health Sciences, Federal University of São João del Rei / PPGCS / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. ORCID iD:; 4,5Masters students, Post-Graduation Program, Master's Degree, Federal University of São João del Rei / PPGENF / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. Emails: ORCID iD:; ORCID iD:; 6Master, Medical course, Federal University of São João del Rei / REMSA / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD:; 7Doctorate student, Post-Graduation Program in Health Sciences, Federal University of São João del Rei / PPGCS / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD:; 8PhD, Postgraduate Program, Master's Degree in Nursing, Federal University of São João del Rei / PPGENF / UFSJ. Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD: ORIGINAL ARTICLE Gonçalves RJM, Castro RAS de, Belo VS et al. Online health: impact on the prevalence of... English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 12(2):312-19, Feb., 2018 313 ISSN: 1981-8963 Adolescent obesity is a relevant problem in public health. Currently, 20.5% of Brazilian adolescents are overweight and 4.9%, are obese. The search for an ideal body image in adolescents is another relevant phenomenon. Since reference models are unattainable by the majority of the population, they generate high levels of stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. With the quest to be within the standard they deem to be perfect, young people often engage in practices detrimental to their health. Patterns of aesthetics imposed by the media directly influence dissatisfaction with body image and inappropriate eating behavior of adolescents, and it is necessary to carry out studies that better understand these elements. Since adolescence is characterized by rapid changes in the body, psychosocial and environmental, nutritional education for this age group is essential, although challenging. Food education has relevance for the recovery and promotion of healthy eating habits and can increase the knowledge of the individual, favoring the decision making for healthy and varied attitudes, habits and food practices. Information and communication technologies, especially collaborative software made available through the internet, are part of the routine of young people. Facebook, one of the most used social networks in the world today, can be exploited as a pedagogical tool, especially in promoting education processes. In research carried out with adolescents, students of the first year of high school, a group was formed on Facebook where posts were added that allowed the collaborative work. The students participated expressively in the discussions and postings, demonstrating their approval for the methodology that contributed actively to the construction of knowledge. In the national literature, there are few studies on online educational intervention in approaching overweight among adolescents. Thus, studies of this nature are relevant. ● To evaluate the effect of health education action, conducted by Facebook, on the prevalence of overweight/obesity and adolescent body satisfaction, as well as the relationship of agreement between these measures and differences in adolescents. Quantitative study, uncontrolled test, with before and after evaluations, carried out in a public school in the city of Divinópolis (MG), Brazil. The population of adolescents aged 13 to 19 enrolled in school in February 2015 consisted of 394 people. Of these, 313 had a Facebook page. The sample size was 65 individuals, considering a prevalence of 30% overweight, 10% sample error and 95% confidence interval. After the draw, 69 adolescents were recruited and submitted to nutritional assessment and body perception and satisfaction before and after an intervention in health education. This occurred within four months. A Facebook-managed group was created by the researcher, where all the participating teenagers were added and received information and guiding questions every 48 hours in the form of texts, images and videos. There were also stimulated debates in the discussion forum, under the mediation of the researcher, and the estimated daily participation is 30 minutes. Before and after the intervention, the weight was measured using the Marte Ltda. Digital scale, with a capacity of up to 200 kg and with an accuracy of 0.1 kg. Height was measured by Alturexata® anthropometer. To evaluate nutritional status, the "Who Anthro-Plus" program was used. Body mass index (BMI) indexes for age and sex were adopted according to the growth curves for adolescents, with the following criteria being defined: "lean thinness" below the z-3 score; "Thinness" between z-3 and z-2 scores; "Eutrophic" between z-2 and z + 1 scores; "Overweight" between score z + 1 and z + 2 "and obesity above z score + 2. The perception of the corporal image was verified through the self-evaluation of the adolescents. A validated body silhouettes scale was used for the Brazilian population. The perception was thus classified into four categories: low weight (1),
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