An optogenetic neural recording system and its application to study the mouse visual cortex


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In this paper we present an optogenetic neural recording system and its application to the study of the mous e visual cortex. We used a 32 x 32 fast and custom-designed imag in chip and system specifically designed to operate with voltag e sensitive dyes. The system can operate up to 1000 frames per second, delivering a peak SNR performance of 63 dB, weighs less than 10 grams and consumes 12 mW of power. We used this device to perform simultaneous electrical stimulation of area V1 and optical recording using a voltage sensitive dye in areas V1, LM and more in the mouse visual cortex. We also performed electrical stimulation in V4 and recorded optical signals using a calcium sensitive dye. We report experimental results on b oth calcium and voltage sensitive dye experiments that potenti ally help disambiguate the organization of the mouse visual cort ex, revealing its complex structure.
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