Updated High-Energy LHC design

Frank Zimmermann, José Luis Abelleira, A. Abramov, David Amorim,Sergey Antipov, Armen Apyan,Sergey Arsenyev, Javier Barranco García,Michael Benedikt,Roderik Bruce,Florian Burkart,Yunhai Cai,Matthew Crouch,E. Cruz Alaniz,S. Fartoukh,M. Giovannozzi,Brennan Goddard, Gerardo Guillermo Cantón, Michael Höfer,Jacqueline Keintzel,R. Kersevan, Volker Mertens, Lotta Mether,James Molson, Y. Muttoni, Y. Nosochkov,K. Ohmi, K. Oide, John A. Osborne, V. Parma,Tatiana Pieloni, Helena Pikhartova, V. Raginel, Stefano Redaelli, T. Risselada,Leonid Rivkin, I. Ruehl, Benoît Salvant,Daniel Schoerling,Andrei Seryi, E. Shaposhnikova, Claudia Tambasco, L. Tavian,E. Todesco,Rogelio Tomás,D. Tommasini, F. Valchkova-Georgieva, V. Venturi,Daniel Wollmann,Demin Zhou,Léon van Riesen-Haupt

10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'19), Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 May 2019(2019)

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We present updated design parameters for a future High-Energy LHC. A more realistic turnaround time has led to a revision of the target peak luminosity, as well as a choice of a larger IP beta function, and longer physics fills. Pushed parameters of the Nb$_ 3$Sn superconducting cable together with a modified layout of the 16 T dipole magnets resulted in revised field errors, updated dynamic-aperture simulations, and an associated re-evaluation of injector options. Collimators in the dispersion suppressors help achieve satisfactory cleaning performance. Longitudinal beam parameters ensure beam stability throughout the cycle. Intrabeam scattering rates and Touschek lifetime appear benign.
lhc,high-energy high-energy
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