
The Implementation of RODBT in Clinical Practice

Roelie J. Hempel, Richard Booth,Alexia Giblin, Nathan Tomcik


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161 RaDiCaLLY oPen DiaLeCtiCaL Behavior therapy (Ro DBt) is a relatively new evidence-based treatment supported by five published trials focusing on depression, personality dysfunction, and eating disorders, and one recently completed multicenter trial targeting chronic depression (see Codd & Craighead, 2018, this issue; and Lynch, 2018b, for review). Despite its relative novelty, the transdiagnostic nature of the treatment has spurred implementation in a wide variety of settings and clinical populations. as with any treatment, it takes time and money to conduct good-quality efficacy and effectiveness studies, especially with complex mental health disorders. this can result in long delays before randomized controlled trials in those areas are published, which can lead to valuable information and experiences stemming from clinical practice not being publicly available—despite their potential utility. the aim of this paper is to address this issue by providing an overview of how Ro DBt has been implemented in a variety of clinical settings, including lessons learned. we interviewed several programs implementing Ro DBt and include descriptions and insights from leaders in these programs to highlight the various aspects of Ro DBt implementation across settings. these clinics treat patients suffering from a range of mental health difficulties, including, but not limited to, personality, depressive, trauma, and eating disorders. the client populations covered in this paper include adults in general mental health settings, military veterans, college students, forensic patients, and young people.
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