A 99 , 041802 ( R ) ( 2019 ) Rapid Communications Electrically driven , optically levitated microscopic rotors


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We report on the electrically driven rotation of 2.4-μm-radius, optically levitated dielectric microspheres. Electric fields are used to apply torques to a microsphere’s permanent electric dipole moment, while angular displacement is measured by detecting the change in polarization state of light transmitted through the microsphere (MS). This technique enables greater control than previously achieved with purely optical means because the direction and magnitude of the electric torque can be set arbitrarily. We measure the spin-down of a microsphere released from a rotating electric field, the harmonic motion of the dipole relative to the instantaneous direction of the field, and the phase lag between the driving electric field and the dipole moment of the MS due to drag from residual gas. We also observe the gyroscopic precession of the MS when the axis of rotation of the driving field and the angular momentum of the microsphere are orthogonal. These observations are in quantitative agreement with the equation of motion. The control offered by the electrical drive enables precise measurements of microsphere properties and torque as well as a method for addressing the direction of angular momentum for an optically levitated particle.
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