Inter-comparison of the Elemental and Organic 1 Carbon Mass Measurements from Three North 2 American National Long-term Monitoring Networks 3 at a co-located Site 4


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Based on the suggested correction, modify the abstract. >> This is addressed. Lines 23-30: OK Lines 30-32: Why not compared without normalizing the concentrations? Check comment further below. Otherwise this kind of information belongs here. >> After some consideration and discussions among the co-authors, we agree to remove this section and focus on the absolute data inter-comparison section. Lines 32-36: this is not the objective of this paper and not actually studied here. The discussion of the sources of OC and EC is presented in lines 417-425 and are based on other studies. No proves for forest fires occurrence were presented although speculated. Anyway this is not the scope of this study, if I understood correctly. Remove. >> The authors have conducted some preliminary analysis and results suggested that forest fire could potentially influence the Egbert site and result in elevated EC concentration during summer time. Additional research is currently on going and the results are expected to be included in a separate manuscript. Considering this is preliminary results, we have now removed such content to the supporting material. Lines 38-41: these lines are more like a conclusions not belong into the abstract. >> These sentences are removed. Introduction Line 43. Modify the sentence to remove double parentheses e.g...carbonaceous aerosol, including elemental carbon (EC), often referred to black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) make up a large fraction... >> This is addressed. Line 43-44: reference needed >> A reference has been added.
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