
Rootstocks of almond


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It is well known that rootstocks are used for tree size control but we may need to remind ourselves of their other benefits. They have other specific influences such as winter hardiness, early yield, good fruit size, phytopthora and collar rot resistance, replant disease tolerance and mildew and woolly aphid resistance. The one thing they all have in common is that they produce a uniform stand of trees .The attributes required for a rootstock have become more sophisticated over the years, but limiting excessive growth, precocity ,enhancing cropping efficiency and wider adoptability to biotic and abiotic factors remains the primary targets while using rootstocks. In recent past, clonal rootstocks of temperate fruits developed in Russia, Poland, USA, UK, France etc are being evaluated in the different areas of the world (M,MM, P, Bud, MAC, Ottawa series in Apple, OH x F, Oregon series in Pear, Gisela series in Cherry, Peach x Almond hybrids rootstocks etc). “Lapins” sweet cherry cutivar had lowest trunk cross sectional area under Giesela 5 but yield efficiency was highest. Mariana plum rootstock GF 8-1 resisted to water logging for 145 and 50-60 days in winter and summer respectively, highest than other stocks studied. Various clonal and seedling rootstocks of apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry etc have been rated for their resistance, tolerance or susceptibility to biotic and abiotic factors by different researchers Cherry rootstock Avima Argot and CAB 11 E resulted in 100% survival as compared to Colt (84.6%) under non irrigated conditions from 1996 to 2004 . Modern genetic engineering technology is starting to realize much of its promise in the identification of markers that will reduce reliance on tedious, expensive, long-term field trials and thus accelerate progress. Much good scientific work and challenges remain.
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