UAV Ground Impact Mitigation for Safer Flight Response


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As Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) become more widely used, there is a growing need for safer flight control software that allows UAVs to understand and autonomously react to various flight anomalies. Decision-making software should allow the aircraft to perform tasks such as detection and avoidance, as well as respond to critical failures mid-flight, without input from a human operator. This paper develops a ground impact and hazard mitigation (GIHM) decision-making module that integrates the following: (1) consideration of engine and control surface failure flight modes, (2) generation of feasible ground impact footprints based on glide equations, (3) selection of safest response ground impact sites based on a high resolution LandScan USA population dataset, and (4) controlled descent to a selected site. For a sample population distribution, integration of GIHM with standard UAV flight software shows a reduction of 23.014 casualties per 100,000 flight hours compared to the flight software without GIHM. A 97.5% reduction in fatalities per flight hour resulted from incorporating this module, which brings UAVs closer to being safe enough to be integrated into the National Airspace System (NAS).
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