08 67 0 v 2 [ cs . C V ] 2 6 M ar 2 01 8 Object Detection for Comics using Manga 109 Annotations

Toru Ogawa, Atsushi Otsubo, Rei, Narita,Yusuke Matsui, Toshihiko, Yamasaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa


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With the growth of digitized comics, image understanding techniques are becoming important. In this paper, we focus on object detection, which is a fundamental task of image understanding. Although convolutional neural networks (CNN)-based methods archived good performance in object detection for naturalistic images, there are two problems in applying these methods to the comic object detection task. First, there is no large-scale annotated comics dataset. The CNN-based methods require large-scale annotations for training. Secondly, the objects in comics are highly overlapped compared to naturalistic images. This overlap causes the assignment problem in the existing CNN-based methods. To solve these problems, we proposed a new annotation dataset and a new CNN model. We annotated an existing image dataset of comics and created the largest annotation dataset, named Manga109-annotations. For the assignment problem, we proposed a new CNN-based detector, SSD300-fork. We compared SSD300-fork with other detection methods using Manga109-annotations and confirmed that our model outperformed them based on the mAP score.
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