
Observation of Two Resonances in the Λ 0 b π Systems and Precise Measurement of Σ

F. Cindolo,P. E. L. Clarke,M. Clemencic,H. V. Cliff,J. Closier,V. Coco,J. A. B. Coelho,J. Cogan,E. Cogneras,L. Cojocariu,P. Collins,T. Colombo,A. Comerma-Montells,A. Contu,G. Coombs,S. Coquereau,G. Corti,M. Corvo,C. M. Costa Sobral,B. Couturier,G. A. Cowan,D. C. Craik,A. Crocombe,M. Cruz Torres,R. Currie,F. Da Cunha Marinho,C. L. Da Silva,E. Dall, Occo,J. Dalseno, D C., Ambrosio,A. Danilina,A. Davis,O. De Aguiar Francisco,K. De Bruyn,S. De Capua,M. De Cian,J. M. De Miranda,L. De Paula,M. De Serio,P. De Simone,J. A. de Vries,C. T. Dean,D. Decamp,L. Del Buono,B. Delaney,H.-P. Dembinski,M. Demmer,A. Dendek,D. Derkach,O. Deschamps,F. Desse,F. Dettori,B. Dey,A. Di Canto,P. Di Nezza,S. Didenko,H. Dijkstra,F. Dordei,M. Dorigo,A. C. dos Reis,A. Dosil Suárez,L. Douglas,A. Dovbnya,K. Dreimanis,L. Dufour,G. Dujany,P. Durante,J. M. Durham,D. Dutta,R. Dzhelyadin,M. Dziewiecki,A. Dziurda,A. Dzyuba,S. Easo,U. Egede,V. Egorychev,S. Eidelman,S. Eisenhardt,U. Eitschberger,R. Ekelhof,L. Eklund,S. Ely,A. Ene,S. Escher,S. Esen,T. Evans,A. Falabella,C. Färber,N. Farley,S. Farry,D. Fazzini,L. Federici,M. Féo,P. Fernandez Declara,A. Fernandez Prieto,F. Ferrari,L. Ferreira Lopes,F. Ferreira Rodrigues,M. Ferro-Luzzi,S. Filippov,R. A. Fini,M. Fiorini,M. Firlej,C. Fitzpatrick,T. Fiutowski,F. Fleuret,M. Fontana,F. Fontanelli,R. Forty,V. Franco Lima,M. Frank,C. Frei,J. Fu,W. Funk,E. Gabriel,A. Gallas Torreira,D. Galli,S. Gallorini,S. Gambetta,Y. Gan,M. Gandelman,P. Gandini,Y. Gao,L. M. Garcia Martin,J. García Pardiñas,B. Garcia Plana,J. Garra Tico,L. Garrido,D. Gascon,C. Gaspar,L. Gavardi,G. Gazzoni,D. Gerick,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,T. Gershon,D. Gerstel,Ph. Ghez,S. Gianì,V. Gibson,O. G. Girard,L. Giubega,K. Gizdov,V. V. Gligorov,C. Göbel,D. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,A. Gomes,I. V. Gorelov,C. Gotti,J. P. Grabowski,R. Graciani Diaz,L. A. Granado Cardoso,E. Graugés,E. Graverini,G. Graziani,A. Grecu,R. Greim,P. Griffith,L. Grillo,L. Gruber,B. R. Gruberg Cazon,O. Grünberg,C. Gu,E. Gushchin,Yu. Guz,T. Gys,T. Hadavizadeh,C. Hadjivasiliou,G. Haefeli,C. Haen,S. C. Haines,B. Hamilton,X. Han,T. H. Hancock,S. Hansmann-Menzemer,N. Harnew,S. T. Harnew,T. Harrison,C. Hasse,M. Hatch,J. He,M. Hecker,K. Heinicke,A. Heister,K. Hennessy,L. Henry,M. Heß,A. Hicheur,R. Hidalgo Charman,M. Hilton,P. H. Hopchev,W. Hu,W. Huang,Z. C. Huard,W. Hulsbergen,T. Humair,M. Hushchyn,D. Hutchcroft,D. Hynds, P. Ibis,M. Idzik,P. Ilten,A. Inyakin, K. Ivshin,R. Jacobsson,J. Jalocha,E. Jans,B. K. Jashal,A. Jawahery,F. Jiang,M. John,D. Johnson,C. R. Jones,C. Joram,B. Jost,N. Jurik,S. Kandybei,M. Karacson,J. M. Kariuki,S. Karodia,N. Kazeev, M. Kecke,F. Keizer,M. Kelsey, M. Kenzie,T. Ketel,E. Khairullin,B. Khanji,C. Khurewathanakul, K. E. Kim,T. Kirn, S. Klaver,K. Klimaszewski,T. Klimkovich,S. Koliiev,M. Kolpin,R. Kopecna,P. Koppenburg, I. Kostiuk,S. Kotriakhova,M. Kozeiha,L. Kravchuk,M. Kreps,F. Kress,P. Krokovny,W. Krupa, W. Krzemien,W. Kucewicz,M. Kucharczyk,V. Kudryavtsev,A. K. Kuonen,T. Kvaratskheliya,D. Lacarrere,G. Lafferty,A. Lai, D. Lancierini,G. Lanfranchi,C. Langenbruch,T. Latham,C. Lazzeroni,R. Le Gac,R. Lefèvre,A. Leflat,J. Lefrançois,F. Lemaitre,O. Leroy,T. Lesiak, B. Leverington,T. Likhomanenko,R. Lindner,F. Lionetto,V. Lisovskyi,X. Liu,A. Loi,I. Longstaff, J. H. Lopes,G. H. Lovell,D. Lucchesi, M. Lucio Martinez,A. Lupato,E. Luppi,O. Lupton,A. Lusiani,X. Lyu,F. Machefert,F. Maciuc,V. Macko,P. Mackowiak,S. Maddrell-Mander,O. Maev,K. Maguire,D. Maisuzenko,M. W. Majewski,S. Malde,B. Malecki,A. Malinin,T. Maltsev,G. Manca,G. Mancinelli, D. Marangotto,J. Maratas,J. F. Marchand,U. Marconi,C. Marin Benito,M. Marinangeli,P. Marino,J. Marks,P. J. Marshall,G. Martellotti,M. Martin,M. Martinelli,D. Martinez Santos,F. Martinez Vidal,A. Massafferri,M. Materok,R. Matev,A. Mathad,Z. Mathe,C. Matteuzzi,A. Mauri,E. Maurice,B. Maurin,A. Mazurov, M. McCann,A. McNab,R. McNulty,J. V. Mead, B. Meadows,C. Meaux,F. Meier, N. Meinert,D. Melnychuk,M. Merk,A. Merli,E. Michielin,D. A. Milanes, E. Millard,M.-N. Minard,L. Minzoni,D. S. Mitzel, A. Mödden,A. Mogini,J. Molina Rodriguez,T. Mombächer,I. A. Monroy,S. Monteil,M. Morandin,G. Morello,M. J. Morello,O. Morgunova,J. Moron,A. B. Morris,F. Muheim,D. Müller,J. Müller,K. Müller,V. Müller, C. H. Murphy, D. Murray,P. Naik,T. Nakada,R. Nandakumar,A. Nandi,T. Nanut,I. Nasteva,N. Neri,S. Neubert,N. Neufeld,M. Neuner, R. Newcombe,T. D. Nguyen,S. Nieswand,R. Niet,N. Nikitin,A. Nogay,A. Oblakowska-Mucha,V. Obraztsov,R. Oldeman


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Bottom baryons are composed of a b quark and two lighter quarks ðbqq0Þ. In the constituent quark model [1,2], such baryon states form multiplets according to the symmetries of their flavor, spin, and spatial wave functions [3]. The Λb baryon is the lightest of the bottom baryons and forms an isospin (I) singlet ðbudÞwith spin-parity JP 1⁄4 1 2 þ. Two I 1⁄4 1 triplets with JP 1⁄4 1 2 þ (Σb) and JP 1⁄4 2 (Σ b) are expected, with the spin of the flavor-symmetric qq0 diquark Sqq0 1⁄4 1. Four of those six states, the Σ b and Σ b baryons (uub and ddb), have been observed by the CDF collaboration [4,5] and reported briefly in a previous LHCb paper [6]. Beyond these ground states, radially and orbitally excited states are expected at higher masses, but only a few excited baryons have been observed in the bottom sector [7–10]. The search for and study of these states will cast light on the internal mechanisms governing the dynamics of the constituent quarks [11,12]. In this Letter, we report the observation of structures in both the Λbπ and Λbπ mass distributions (charge conjugation is implied throughout this Letter) using pp collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at ffiffi
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