
Data Mining for Intrusion Detection

Data Warehousing and Mining(2015)

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Today computers control power, oil and gas delivery, communication systems, transportation networks, banking and financial services, and various other infrastructure services critical to the functioning of our society. However, as the cost of the information processing and Internet accessibility falls, more and more organizations are becoming vulnerable to a wide variety of cyber threats. According to a recent survey by CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center), the rate of cyber attacks has been more than doubling every year in recent times (Figure 1). In addition, the severity and sophistication of the attacks are also growing. For example, Slammer/Sapphire Worm was the fastest computer worm in history. As it began spreading throughout the Internet, it doubled in size every 8.5 seconds and infected at least 75,000 hosts causing network outages and unforeseen consequences such as canceled airline flights, interference with elections, and ATM failures (Moore, 2003). It has become increasingly important to make our information systems, especially those used for critical functions in the military and commercial sectors, resistant to and tolerant of such attacks. The conventional approach for securing computer systems is to design security mechanisms, such as firewalls, authentication mechanisms, and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) that create a protective “shield” around them. However, such security mechanisms almost always have inevitable vulnerabilities and they are usually not sufficient to ensure complete security of the infrastructure and to ward off attacks that are continually being adapted to exploit the system’s weaknesses often caused by careless design and implementation flaws. This has created the need for security technology that can monitor systems and identify computer attacks. This component is called intrusion detection and is a complementary to conventional security mechanisms. This article provides an overview of current status of research in intrusion detection based on data mining.
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