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Data sharing as a continuum to the role of international networks beyond clinical research

Mervi Siekkinen, Ritva Kosklin, Hanna Ilus, Teija, Kemppainen, Sirkku Jyrkkiö, Pia Vihinen, Sara Paltrinieri, Martine Bouyssie, Laura Del Campo,Olga Sapoznikov, Francesca, Traclò,Anne Skov Villadsen, Anne Grethe Ryen Hammerstad,Attilio Guarini, Johann S. de Bono, Silvia, Careccia, Gennaro, Ciliberto, Anna Sapino,Pier Giuseppe Pelicci, Ruggero De Maria, Giovanni Battista Bochicchio, Pietro, Milella, Carmine, Mariano, Attilio Bianchi,Thierry Philip,Richard Price, Alex, Filicevas,Denis Lacombe, Michelle, Leech,Chiara Gasparotto,Yolande Lievens,Umberto Ricardi, John, Yarnold


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book 4 Tumori Journal 105(2S) 2. Patient involvement can be utilized in designing of education in cancer rehabilitation Mervi Siekkinen, Ritva Kosklin, Hanna Ilus, Teija Kemppainen, Sirkku Jyrkkiö, Pia Vihinen 3. The innovative social and health care project for the job reintegration of cancer patients “Una Mano” Sara Paltrinieri 4. Patient involvement in the creation of value: prostate and breast cancer case studies Chiara Ariotti 5. Recognizing the expertise of patients and promoting the involvement process Martine Bouyssie 6. Outcome of Patient-Centered Care Survey conducted in Central Europe and targeting patient and caregiver stakeholder groups Laura Del Campo, Olga Sapoznikov, Francesca Traclò, Nicola Di Flora, Francesco De Lorenzo, Silvia Carelli, Alessandro Sproviero and INTENT group 7. How to include the patient’s voice? Camilla Havsteen and Anne Skov Villadsen 8. Patient involvement in Norway Anne Grethe Ryen Hammerstad 9. Patient involvement improves oncologic care in the Maastricht Cancer Center (MUMC+) Bernd Kremer 10. “Give words to what is unspeakable”: empowering parental communication with children regarding cancer and death Francesca Romito 11. The patient-as-partner approach in Clinical Research at Institut Curie Véronique Gillon 12. Reshaping research through patient involvement Patrick Miqueu Scientific Conference 1. In silico dissection of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma microenvironment provides a 45-gene panel for risk stratification Sabino Ciavarella, Maria Carmela Vegliante, Marco Fabbri, Simona De Summa, Federica Melle, Giovanna Motta, Anna Enjuanes, Alessandro Gulino, Stefania Tommasi, Anna Scattone, Alfredo Francesco Zito, Claudio Agostinelli, Umberto Vitolo, Annalisa Chiappella, Elias Campo, Claudio Tripodo, Attilio Guarini, Stefano A. Pileri 2. Opportunities and challenges of early phase clinical studies Caterina Aversa, Johann S. de Bono 3. Alliance Against Cancer: from Italy to Europe Paolo De Paoli, Silvia Careccia, Gennaro Ciliberto, Anna Sapino, Pier Giuseppe Pelicci, Ruggero De Maria 4. The Mediterranean Oncological Alliance Network AMORe (Alleanza Mediterranea Oncologica in Rete): an opportunity and a challenge Antonio Delvino, Giovanni Battista Bochicchio, Nicola Silvestris, Alessandro Sgambato, Gerardo Botti, Elio Borgonovi, Angelo Rosa, Rosa Martino, Pietro Milella, Antonio Colasurdo, Carmine Mariano, Massimo Mancini, Cristiana Mecca, Attilio Bianchi 5. Reflections on a complex topic: the missions: a new tool within Horizon Europe, the European Research and Innovation Programme 2021-2027 Thierry Philip 6. ECCO’s 5 items of advice on EU mission centered cancer activity Philip Poortmans, Richard Price 7. The European Cancer Patient Coalition’s role in securing meaningful patient involvement in Health Technology Assessment Francesco de Lorenzo, Antonella Cardone, Alex Filicevas 8. Data sharing as a continuum to the role of international networks beyond clinical research Denis Lacombe 9. Radiotherapy: seizing the opportunity in cancer care Joanna Kazmierska, Núria Jornet Sala, Michelle Leech, Chiara Gasparotto, Barbara Alicja JereczekFossa, Yolande Lievens, Umberto Ricardi, John Yarnold 10. The essential role of prevention in reducing the cancer burden in Europe: a commentary from Cancer Prevention Europe Carolina Espina, Linda Bauld, Bernardo Bonanni, Hermann Brenner, Karen Brown, Joakim Dillner, Ellen Kampman, Mef Nilbert, Paolo Vineis, Matty P. Weijenberg, Alison Cox, Theo M. de Kok, Daniela Fecht, Giota Mitrou, David C. Muller, Davide Serrano, Karen Steindorf, Hans Storm, Mangesh A. Thorat, Fränzel van Duijnhoven, Elisabete Weiderpass, Joachim Schüz
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