Studying some physiological parameters in pregnant women with thyroid gland problems

Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science(2015)

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This study was carried out to determine some hormonal and physiological parameters in women who attended Maternity and Children teaching hospital in Ramadi city , from 1 of August 2014 to 1 of April 2015. Ages of patients ranged from 16 49 years . The study included 358 blood samples from pregnant and non-pregnant women . sixty five samples were found to be abnormal thyroid function . The remaining 293 samples from healthy pregnant and not pregnant women were used as a controls . Women under study were divided into three groups: Pregnant Women with thyroid disorder( Group I ) , Pregnant Women without thyroid disorder (Group II ,control 1) , and nonPregnant Women without thyroid disorder (Group III , control 2). The study showed that there was no significant differences in T3 ,T4and FTI levels in patient compared with control 1 ( p-value >0.05) while it showed significant difference between patient and control 2 with p-value (<0.05). the means of T3,T4 and FTI in patient were 4.08 ng/ml, 7.10 μg/dl, 69.55 respectively. While there was no significant difference in level of TSH in cases and control 1 and control 2 with p-value >0.05. The mean level of TSH of patient was 18.65 μIU/ml . A comparison in physiological parameters between the three groups with each other showed that there was significant difference in levels of HB,PCV ,WBC ,RBC, platelet ,ESR in cases compared with control 2 with p-value <0.05,but didn’t show significant difference between cases and control 1 with p-value >0.05.The mean levels of patients for HB , PCV, WBC , RBC, platelet, ESR :10.09 g/dl ,32.09 % , 10.50 X 10 Cell/mm , 3.08 X 10 Cell/mm, 198.1 X 10 Cell/mm, 36.1 mm / h r
thyroid,gland problems,pregnant women,physiological parameters
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