
A study on ad hoc networks for efficient multipath routing


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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) pose particular challenges in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) and performance. This is due to the effect of numerous parameters such as; bandwidth and power constrains, delays, security issues, etc. On the there hand, the degree of freedom enables the wireless mobile nodes to enter and leave the network dynamically. The latter offers redundant paths and dynamic coverage. Particular attention is given to the multipath transmission capability as well as load balancing to have efficient routing possible for heavy multimedia traffics. Multi-path routing represents a promising routing method for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. Multi-path routing achieves load balancing and is more resilient to route failures. Recently, numerous multi-path routing protocols have been proposed for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. The study provides an overview of eight dissimilar protocols by presenting their uniqueness and functionality, and then provides an association and discussion of their respective merits and drawbacks. In order to facilitate communication within the network, a routing protocol is used to discover routes between nodes. Route construction should be done with a minimum of overhead and bandwidth consumption.Multipath routing achieves load balancing and is more resilient to route failures. Recently, numerous multi-path routing protocols have been proposed for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. Performance evaluations of these protocols showed that they achieve lower routing overhead, lower end-to-end delay and alleviate congestion in comparison with single path routing protocols. However, a quantitative comparison of multi-path routing protocols has not yet been conducted. In this work, we present the results of a detailed simulation study of three multi-path routing protocols (SMR, AOMDV and AODV Multipath). Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) consists of several wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network. Due to the limited transmission power, multiple hops are usually needed for a node to exchange information with any other node in the network. So routing discovery and maintenance is crucial issues in MANET.
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