Phytochemical and Pharmacological Reports of Conocarpus Erectus

Sabi-ur-rehman,Farooq Azam,Shaheed Ur Rehman, Tasbeeh Ur Rahman,Ayeza Mehmood, Afshan, Gohar,Abdul Samad


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B an important natural source medicinal plants (MPs) play key role for benefits of mankind both for food as well as for medicinal purpose in the treatment of various disorders in rural areas throughout the world (Aziz et al., 2018). Plant is a central part of all the alternative treatment system i.e. traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM), Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Native American Medicines, Ayurvedic, Sidha and Eastern Medicines. Because natural preparations are regarded as one of the safe and economic source of traditional medicines as compared to synthetic medicines. Despite of its safety some medicinal plants also exhibit toxic effects so substantial precautions must be taken while using such plants for medicinal purpose also latest pharmaceutical precautions must be brought in practice for the preparation of natural formulations at a same safety standard as that of allopathic medicines. The economic and medicinal importance of plants and its knowledge were transferred from generation to generation by people without knowing their authenticity, but at present medicines from plants include a complete knowledge of botany, chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and quality control (standardization). Out of 4,22,127 MPs worldwide only 35-70k plants are considered as medicinally active (Hasan et al., 2007) and among these only 20k plants are in use in 3rd world countries. In Pakistan out of six thousand MPs only Abstract | Conocarpus erectus is an evergreen shrub found on the shorelines in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, throughout the America, tropical Africa, and West Indies. The main objective of this review was to highlight the relevant documented knowledge published about its botanical aspects, phytochemistry, traditional uses as well as therapeutic potential of Conocarpus erectus. This plant was selected due to its great medicinal importance like its leaves and fruits have been using traditionally as antipyretic, anti diabetic, anti malarial and for the treatment of conjunctivitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, orchitis, diarrhea, anemia, prickly heat and swellings etc. The plant has also reported to have pharmacological active phytochemicals i.e. conocarpan, conocarpol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ellagitannin, castalagin, quercetin, myricetin and syringetin etc. The review expresses the ethanomedicinal potential of this plant specie as well as its importance in modern medicines. Sabi-ur-rehman1, Farooq Azam1, Shaheed Ur Rehman2, Tasbeeh Ur Rahman3, Ayeza Mehmood4, Afshan Gohar5 and Abdul Samad5*
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